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‘Milk does the body good’ is the biggest lie ever and how big government helps big dairy sell milk!

Accueil > Rael > Commentaires par Maitreya Rael

Never drink milk! Yogurt or cheese, no problem, as fermentation creates a predigestion.


Milk campaigns of the last half a century have brainwashed the public into thinking that it builds healthy bones due to the calcium content when this is actually a myth.

There are plenty of calcium packed foods you can eat to supplement your diet that do not come from dairy sources.

Green vegetables such as cabbage, kale and broccoli all have a calcium content that matches milk, yet milk is still portrayed by advertisers as the best way to maintain bone health.

The milk industry is big business and we have been sold lies to keep the industry afloat. Why don’t we have huge ad campaigns telling parents to feed their children kale, or broccoli? There is much less profit to be made due the low price and mark up that the food industry can make from vegetables.

Dairy cows are pumped with hormones and chemicals which filter down into the milk you buy in the supermarket, not to mention the pus and blood that is bleached to hide it, rather than removed. Every gallon of milk has a quantity of allowable pus, the industry is knowingly selling a product that they know is contaminated.

Most ironically of all, there has actually been studies that suggest not only does drinking milk not give you healthy bones, it might actually be damaging them.

A study conducted by Swedish University Uppsala found that those who drank more milk had a increased mortality rate and a tendency to have more bone breakages.

‘Milk Does The Body Good’ Is The Biggest Lie Ever And How Big Government Helps Big Dairy Sell Milk!

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