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Planet of the Humans – Full Documentary

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A MUST see! Wonderful documentary from Michael Moore, which destroys the myth and illusion of “green and renewable energy” being the solution for our future, like solar panels and wind power use more non-renewable energy than it saves; and that the so-called biomass is responsible for mass deforestation everywhere; and that even burning all trees on earth to create electricity would only power the world for one year. The movie shows that the only solution is a drastic depopulation bringing Humanity to less than one billion people. It will be painful anyway but less painful if it’s done consciously and in a non-violent manner. But it will happen anyway as Natural Order will fix it either by mass starvation, nuclear wars, generating new viruses, cataclysms created by earthquakes, tsunamis or giant meteorites, etc… As the movie says it beautifully, we must shift from the illusion of Humanity mastering the world to Humanity mastering itself. In other words, the world does not belong to us but we belong to the world.


Michael Moore Presents Planet of the Humans Full Documentary Directed by Jeff Gibbs – Peoples Progressive Media has been authorized to host this video as a part of an initiative to insure it’s widespread distribution in spite of the controversy it has caused. We will be featuring it on all of our platforms (web, YouTube and Facebook) for the forseeable future.










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