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Celebration of
the Second Encounter

October 7th

On this date, we celebrate the second encounter of Maitreya Rael’s with the Elohim in 1975, when he was invited to their planet and able to discover a true paradise, the one referenced in all the ancient scriptures.


During this official Raelian holiday, you can become a Raelian by having your Cellular Plan Transmission (CPT) ceremony performed. This simple ceremony is performed free of charge by a Raelian Guide. The CPT is an act of recognizing the Elohim as our creators and Maitreya Rael as their last messenger. The CPT ceremony clarifies the original meaning and intent of baptism, but without any mysticism whatsoever.

Cellular Plan Transmission


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الحصول على الحقيقة

قراءة الرسائل التي قدمها لنا الخالقون خلال لقاء رائيل بكائن فضائي عام 1973!

فعاليات أخرى


أكاديمية رائيل