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Putin presents Russian passport to actor Steven Seagal

RAEL’S COMMENT: A good place to emigrate for those who said they will leave the US if Trump is elected… lol  

White Helmets backlash after Mannequin Challenge (video)

RAEL’S COMMENT: All fake, like many mainstream “news” propaganda.  

Tokyo stunned by first November snow in 54 years

RAEL’S COMMENT: Instead of global warming, it looks more like global cooling…  

The beauty of life (video)

RAEL’S COMMENT: Beautiful video about life, sadly with some propaganda against abortion at the end. The conception of a baby is beautiful indeed, IF the baby is desired! And it’s a very big IF! If not, abortion is indeed highly recommended to avoid giving birth to a suffering child and ...

Michel Onfray clash Alain Juppé sur sa méconnaissance du Coran (vidéo)

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Position complètement stupide de dire qu’il faut garder tout le coran tel qu’il est et conseiller aux gens d’accepter seulement certains passage tout en laissant en vente et en enseignant aux enfants la totalité, incluant les incitations aux crimes et à la misogynie : seule une ...

Robert Mugabé menace : « l’Afrique va quitter l’ONU si… »


Israel unveils Bronze Age ‘Thinker’ figurine

RAEL’S COMMENT: And they say, “Israel unveils Bronze Age ‘Thinker’ figurine” … How do they know that? More probably a non-thinking meditation like the one on this image depicting Maitreya in Japan… or was it a toothache (image on the article)?  

Bamenda protests: Mass arrests in Cameroon

RAEL’S COMMENT: Another damage from colonization showing the need for the dismantlement of the nations created by Europe and the return to the original kingdoms with their original languages, religions, and cultures. As long as borders designed by Europeans are in place, there will be no real decolonization.  

China ready to play leading role in Asia-Pacific as Trump threatens to dump TPP

RAEL’S COMMENT: China doesn’t need the dwarf USA.  

Damascus gives Moscow priority in reconstruction contracts, with favorable terms – Syrian govt

RAEL’S COMMENT: The end of the US policy of destruction and rebuilding contracts for their companies.  

Israeli education minister Naftali Bennett says “We took our parent’s land back.”

RAEL’S COMMENT: And he probably never had any ancestor in Palestine but in Khazaria.  

리뷰 : 성의 종말

라엘의 논평: 아주 바보같은 제목이다! 출산을 위한 섹스가 사라지는 것이 섹스의 종말을 의미하지는 않는다! 반대로, 그것은 오로지 기쁨을 위한 출산과 무관한 더 많은 섹스가 있는 섹스의 시작이다! 이 제목은 그 저자가 “출산을 위한 섹스만 해야 한다”고 말하는 아마도 유대-기독교의 “성에 대한 죄의식을 주입하는 교육”을 받았다는 사실을 보여 준다.  

Topless rights case just one short step from U.S. Supreme Court

RAEL’S COMMENT: The big question is: If the Supreme Court allows topless for women, will Facebook change its prudish policy? Somebody from Facebook can answer, please?  

« L’orage africain », un film de Sylvestre Amoussou (Vidéo)

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Tous les pays africains devraient nationaliser sans dédommagements les entreprises appartenant À la France et abandonner le franc CFA.  

South Africa’s “Prophet of Doom” condemned

RAEL’S COMMENT: The morning laugh…  

UK woman arrested & charged for ‘extramarital sex’ in Dubai after reporting gang rape

RAEL’S COMMENT: Boycott tourism in Dubai! And if you don’t and visit this country with your partner without being married, then you will end up in jail! Beware!  

Legalize all narcotics now: War on drugs is war on people, says BMJ

RAEL’S COMMENT: Absolutely! It’s the freedom of people to eat, drink, smoke, smell or inject themselves with whatever they want! That doesn’t mean I support the use of drugs, as meditation has the same benefits without side effects, but that governments or police have no right to infringe with individual ...

아직도 트럼프가 두려운가?

라엘의 논평: 그렇다, 도날드 트럼프는 군사적 불법전쟁, 침략, 점령을 중단하고 전세계 180곳의 미군기지에 있는 모든 군대를 미국에 되돌아 오게 하고, 행성 전체를 괴롭히는 것과는 완전히 반대로 진짜 외교를 우선시함으로써 인류를 구할 수 있는 힘이 있다.  

Gold, silver offering to the gods 3,600 years ago found in Canaanite Gezer

RAEL’S COMMENT: A proof that this land stolen by Zionists was not inhabited by Jews at this time but by the ancestors of the Palestinians.  

Trump says he’ll make Israel pay for defense aid

RAEL’S COMMENT: Finally!  

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