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Joshua Bell playing violon in the subway

RAEL’S COMMENT: Absolutely! These hypocrites and politically correct people who pay $100 to listen and applause this musician would not give him a dime on the street. They do not like the music: they just like being seen in a mundane event to expose their huge ego. I remember a ...

Raw materials for meatballs, falafel from mealworms and crickets

RAEL’S COMMENT: I cannot wait to try it!  

CIA planned to hand Falklands to Argentina & airlift islanders to Scotland

RAEL’S COMMENT: Of course, these islands should be given back to Argentina. It’s a legacy of England colonialism with the same recipe as Israel: put illegal settlers and then make them vote to decide to which country they wish to belong.  

Some thrilling Bach from organist Cameron Carpenter

RAEL’S COMMENT: Who said that classical music organists must have a normal costume and necktie and a normal hairstyle? Wonderful! It’s time to bring a look revolution to the classical music world!  

Impôt colonial en France (vidéo)

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Absolument scandaleux !  Non seulement les pays africains devraient immédiatement arrêter de payer cet impôt mais ils devraient poursuivre la France devant les instances internationales pour exiger le remboursement immédiat, avec intérêt, de tous les impôts coloniaux payés pendant toutes ces années et le rapatriement de ...

Plainte contre un professeur qui accuse Israël d’être derrière le 11 septembre

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : On peut discuter de l’« Histoire ». Cela se nomme la liberté d’expression.  

Sur France24, Antoine Glaser revèle: « Ouattara a demandé l’aide militaire de la France car craignant pour sa chute »

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Encore une fois, les forces armées françaises, qui sont soit-disant présentes pour protéger les ressortissants français, sont en fait là pour intervenir pour maintenir au pouvoir leurs marionnettes. Aussi longtemps que des militaires français seront en Afrique, il n’y aura pas de réelle décolonisation. Y a-t-il ...

Indian MP says Britain should apologize for colonial rule on Amritsar massacre centenary

RAEL’S COMMENT: What is surprising is that they never apologized for it! And they should pay huge damage for the years of illegal occupation and pillage.  

8 personnes possèdent autant que la moitié de la population mondiale

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Il faut saisir et redistribuer tous leurs biens.  

Obama – Promised and Reality

RAEL’S COMMENT: He should be awarded the Nobel Best Liar Prize…  

To dance because it’s Saturday!

RAEL’S COMMENT: Be happy and dance every day whatever your age or physical appearance!  
Lotus raelian for Elohim

Thank you Elohim

RAEL’S COMMENT: Another great song by Lotus for Elohim.  
Lotus raelian for Elohim

Lotus singing for Yahweh

RAEL’S COMMENT: Lotus singing the beautiful song she composed for Yahweh.  

“These are those America does not care for”: ITV News

RAEL’S COMMENT: Yes! This is the sad reality: while wasting billions in wars USA society looks more and more like a third world country. And in a way, this is great: because they deserve it! At the same time, many ex third world countries are richer and richer and all ...

Revolutionary precedent: EVERYTHING cop owns is seized to pay back man he paralyzed

RAEL’S COMMENT: Great! The same should be done with judges or jurors condemning people to jail who are later proven innocent after years of suffering in prisons.  

Soaring childlessness among southern European women – report

RAEL’S COMMENT: Wonderful news! Do not make babies! That’s the best way to fight overpopulation. This stupid explains the trend by “economic reason and uncertainty” but forget to name the best reason not to have babies: wisdom when overpopulation is killing Humanity, creating wars, and destroying the ecosystem! More and ...

Sleep deprivation, scaring with dogs, force feeding: Torture allegations as Gitmo turns 15

RAEL’S COMMENT: All that under a Nobel Peace Prize winner! Shame on the Nobel committee! And Obama will stay in History as a liar who promised to closed Guantanamo before being elected.  
Rael Israel Embassy project

Israeli embassy backing campaign to topple Britain’s pro-Palestine student leader – report

RAEL’S COMMENT: The Zionist mafia at work everywhere!  

La Finlande va devenir le premier pays à supprimer toutes les matières scolaires


Investiture du nouveau Président du Ghana

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Excellent mais dommage que les gardes du corps et militaires soient encore déguisés en Européens.  

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