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Israël : un hôpital interdit aux Noirs

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL :  Ils ont appris ça en Allemagne nazie ou certains hôpitaux étaient interdits aux Juifs… si aujourd’hui, dans n’importe que pays du monde, ça se reproduisait, ce serait, à juste titre, un scandale mondial… mais pour Israël à l’égard des Noirs : personne ne réagit.  

Largest human experiment conducted on residents of San Francisco

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Imagine what they do in other countries from their hundred of military bases all around the world…. US is the worst criminal against Humanity in the world.

Russia vetoes UN move to call Srebrenica genocide

RAEL’S COMMENT:  If it was to be accepted as genocide, it should be in exchange for accepting Gaza as a genocide also….

Interactive MAP details Israeli strikes a year after Gaza war

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Why US and NATO intervened militarily to save the population of besieged Sarajevo in Bosnia Herzegovina and do nothing for Gaza which is even worse? One day all powers will be prosecuted for crimes against Humanity for not assisting a population in danger.

La Rochelle : la Ville veut taxer les artistes qui jouent dans la rue

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : C’est tout le contraire ! Les villes devraient payer les artistes ! Ils devraient boycotter les villes qui leur demandent une telle chose ou faire une manifestation silencieuse en étant présents, mais sans jouer, avec de gros panneaux demandant d’appeler la mairie !  

Iceland makes blasphemy legal

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Wonderful! All the world should do same! Freedom of expression is total or doesn’t exist.

Greece Taking on Austerity

RAEL’S COMMENT:  He is absolutely right: austerity means: “you poor people have to accept a much more difficult situation while we, the rich, will not be affected so much”.

Police officer learns the law about women going topless

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Legal in more and more cities and countries and still forbidden on Facebook… this goes to show that Facebook is a very conservative force.

Greece Banks to remain shut all week

RAEL’S COMMENT:  So even if you have millions in bank suddenly you cannot withdraw more than 60 Euros…. more than ever better have a safety box well hidden in your home! That can happen in every country!

Satanists Target School Kids With Demonic Coloring Books

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Wonderful! Time to spread a manga of the Messages in US schools!

Neo-Nazis deliver Jews go home message to holocaust survivor

RAEL’S COMMENT:  The rise in anti Jewish sentiments worldwide is without any doubt the fruit of the criminal policy of Israel. It’s a shame that all world Jews become targets because of that, while more and more of them are anti Zionists themselves and against Israel government.

Pour aider Israël, le Canada contribue à bloquer une résolution de l’ONU

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL :  Cela rendra les États-Unis complices de crime de guerre si Israël utilise ses bombes atomiques, une fois de plus… après Hiroshima et Nagasaki…  

Children as young as five to learn about masturbation

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Wonderful scientific recommendations perfectly in line with the Messages! That should shut up those who criticized the Movement saying that our proposition of universal sexual education was “promoting pedophilia”.

SCOTUS rules in favor of Muslim woman

RAEL’S COMMENT:  That’s the beautiful side of USA. So many things are wrong over there, that it is important to underline what is great. This is an example of tolerance. The Justice system in France would never have taken such a beautiful decision, while claiming hypocritically to be the father ...

The US calling us terrorists is an honor

RAEL’S COMMENT:  They are right! Those fighting the illegal invaders are always called “terrorists” by the occupying forces! French freedom fighters under German Nazi occupation in France were also called by Hitler forces “terrorists”. We must always remember that. But sending an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in order ...

Replacing American Flag With International Flag During Space Travel

RAEL’S COMMENT:  Space exploration should not support any primitive nationalism

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds “fused” while no one was looking

RAEL’S COMMENT:  People prisoners of the illusion of ” democracy” accept from these new kings privileges a million times bigger that what pushed their ancestors to have a revolution against the French king. It’s time for a world revolution and the confiscation of their belonging and redistribution to poor people. ...

Syrie: des militaires israéliens découverts parmi les rebelles

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Il n’est pas très difficile de s’apercevoir qu’au fil des années, tous les états qui furent autrefois en guerre contre Israël et continuaient de constituer une menace potentielle ont vu soit des invasions meurtrières (Iraq, Libye, Afghanistan) ou des changements de régimes dus à des « ...

Traite négrière : le baron Seillière dans le viseur de la justice

COMMENTAIRE DE RAEL : Tous les descendants des familles ayant créé leur fortune grâce à l’esclavage devraient voir leur fortune héritée saisie et distribuée aux descendants d’esclaves.  

President of self-proclaimed Liberland arrested

RAEL’S COMMENT:  To people who say like that man at the end of the article:  “But realistically, you can’t just go somewhere and say this is my country”.   It’s precisely what Zionist did in Palestine and what the US did in America.

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